Here is a simple example on how to customizing Graphplot. We like to use GraphPlot to visualize the number of people who commute into or out Monroe county from/to its neighbor counties.
g={{"Owen" -> "Monroe", 2813}, {"Greene" -> "Monroe",
3788}, {"Lawrence" -> "Monroe", 4022}, {"Jackson" -> "Monroe",
85}, {"Brown" -> "Monroe", 689}, {"Morgan" -> "Monroe",
821}, {"Monroe" -> "Owen", 676}, {"Monroe" -> "Greene",
207}, {"Monroe" -> "Lawrence", 679}, {"Monroe" -> "Brown",
303}, {"Monroe" -> "Morgan", 617}}
vercoor={"Monroe" -> {-86.529, 39.1621}, "Owen" -> {-86.7642, 39.2868}, "Greene" -> {-86.9403, 39.0246}, "Lawrence" –> { -86.4923, 38.8627}, "Jackson" -> {-86.0462, 38.8798}, "Brown" -> {-86.2382, 39.203}, "Morgan" -> {-86.4238, 39.4233}}
First try:
GraphPlot[g, VertexLabeling -> True, VertexCoordinateRules -> vercoor]
Using arrow to indicate in/out seems to be a good idea. We use EdgeRenderingFunction in second try:
GraphPlot[g, VertexLabeling -> True,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> (Arrow[#1, 0.05] &),
VertexCoordinateRules -> vercoor]
However, the labels on the edge is lost. We can handle it in EdgeRenderingFunction.
GraphPlot[g, VertexLabeling -> True,
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({Text[#3, Mean[#1]], Arrow[#1, 0.05]} &), VertexCoordinateRules -> vercoor]
The graph is still difficult to read, the commuting pattern isn’t clear at a glance. We further update EdgeRenderingFunction and use the line color and thickness to show the pattern.
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({If[#2[[1]] == "Monroe", Red, Blue],
AbsoluteThickness[0.5 + #3/500], Arrowheads[0.02 + #3/120000], Arrow[#1, 0.05]} &), VertexLabeling -> True,
VertexCoordinateRules -> vercoor]
In the last try, we use VertexRenderingFunction to make the label more clear.
EdgeRenderingFunction -> ({If[#2[[1]] == "Monroe", Red, Blue],
AbsoluteThickness[0.5 + #3/500], Arrowheads[0.02 + #3/120000], Arrow[#1, 0.06]} &), VertexLabeling -> True,
VertexCoordinateRules -> vercoor,
VertexRenderingFunction -> ({Text[Style[#2, 14, Bold], #2 /. vercoor, Background -> White]} &)]
Import the shapefile, then you get a map:
Oh, how interresting! I've already downloaded my local commute data from our national statistics service. So tonight is going to be "play with Mathematica" :-)
I have one question: how did you do the last past? The "Import shape" underlay of the graph.
hello! this tutorial of yours have been really helpful. I have a specific question regarding weighting of edges. If i am importing my network data from another software, i want to color edges based on the imported weighting scheme (maybe use Blend option). What is the best way of doing this? It has been really frustrating to figure this out!
Thanks in advance :)
Will this work with 1 million vertices?
Also, can we zoom into a small portion?
I'm so sorry for the stupid question...... but how do #1, #2 and #3 slots know what they are?
I don't understand the logic between the "g", "vercoor" and the slots.....
I would be so grateful if you can teach me. Thank you.
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