Jan 26, 2023

ImageStitch, aerial photos and a surprise

Aerial photos are usually taken with overlaps, it is a perfect application for ImageStitch to generate a mosaic of the aerial photos from one flight line.

First, let's import the photos from FlightLine 3196it is somewhere in Antarctica. The data is from the Center for Remote Sensing and Integrated Systems (CReSIS). 

There are 12 images:

Then run ImageStitch on the imported images, on Mathematica 13.0.1, the result is the following, clearly something wrong.

For the reference, the image from Google Earth, 

The plan was to extend the function from the previous post on ImageStitch, we only need a function to work with two images, then we can use Fold function to apply it incrementally over all the images, since the photos are taken in a sequence, for example:

imagelist = {image1, image2, image3, imaga4};

Fold[ourimagestitch[#1, #2] & , imagelist[[1]], imagelist[[2 ;;]]] 


ourimagestitch[ourimagestitch[ourimagestitch[image1, image2], image3], imaga4] 

 A Surprise

Mathematica 13.2 is out, ImageStitch function is updated. Our organization only has the license for 13.0.x version right now. So, I downloaded Mathematica Engine 13.2, run the same code in Jupyter Notebook, the result is great.

Kudos to the developer!

Jupyter Notebook: ImageStitch and Aerial Photos

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