One reader asks: could one drive Google Earth from a set of controls within a Manipulate? The answer is yes, however, I only know how to do it with Windows platform through Google Earth COM API. In the past, this issue is covered in this post: Control Google Earth from Mathematica.
The example here is very simple, rotate the camera from Manipulate.
(* start up goolge earth *)
ge = CreateCOMObject["GoogleEarth.ApplicationGE"];
(* get the camera object *)
cam = ge@GetCamera[0]
(* define a function to rotate the camera *)
runcam[{lat_, lon_}] := Module[{},
cam@FocusPointLongitude = lon;
cam@FocusPointLatitude = lat;
ge@SetCamera[cam, 2]];
runcam[{lat, lon}]; {lat, lon}, {lat, -50, 50}, {lon, -180, 180}]