Aug 7, 2008

Financial Data: AAPL vs MSFT

Technologically speaking, Apple and Microsoft are two quite different companies in many ways. We all know that in recently several years, Apple stock is very hot. Here is the stock price: APPL vs MSFT since 2004, the legend is not necessary for this graph.

DateListPlot[{FinancialData["AAPL",{2004}], FinancialData["MSFT",{2004}]}, Joined->True, Filling->Bottom]


Google Insights for Search gives another way to present it.

Google search volume index for "AAPL" since 2004


Google search volume index for "MSFT" since 2004


1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. It is very informative and helpful, So, thanks for sharing.
